Best Grill

63 Rue de Clausen

L-1342 Luxembourg

Spezialitäten :

27 84 83 86

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Durchschnittliche Noten 4.2 / 5 (5 Stimmen)


Rezensionen, Bewertungen und Kommentare von Kunden, die dieses Restaurant ausprobiert haben. Bitte tragen Sie gerne zu unserer Bewertung bei.


08-12-2023 | Mirko ( 5/5 ) Zertifiziert

As the name says best kebab in town

06-10-2023 | Review ProTeam ( 5/5 ) Zertifiziert


We are here to help, we have noticed your Google maps reviews and your Instagram page needs a boost. The good news is that we specialize in genuine, Digital Marketing with a lifetime money-back guarantee. Let's enhance your online presence and attract new customers.

Here's why you should seize this opportunity:

Trust Amplification: Online presence on Social Media and Google Maps are trusted by 89% of consumers, just as much as personal recommendations. Boosting your Brand online will build trust in your brand.

Action-Packed Impact: An astounding 72% of customers take action after reading positive online reviews. Imagine the surge in engagement and conversions!

Revenue Surge: Businesses with excellent Google Maps reviews and Social Media Profiles often see a 32% increase in customer spending. This isn't just about perception; it's about a real boost in your bottom line.

We're deeply committed to ethical practices, ensuring the highest integrity while enhancing your online reputation the right way.

Don't let this opportunity slip away. We're confident it can lead to substantial growth for your business.

For inquiries or to dive right in, please reply to this message or reach us at Let's take your business to the next level together!

Your Success is Our Goal

Your Revenue is Our Revenue

Warm Regards,

16-04-2022 | Samiul Alam Rizvi ( 5/5 ) Zertifiziert

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Samiul Alam Rizvi; I am seeking a part-time job and I am available immediately.

With five years' experience in restaurants and hotels in Luxembourg and Malaysia, I speak fluent English.

Would you mind letting me know if there are any openings? Thanks.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Samiul Alam Rizvi

Phone: +352661977548

11-04-2022 | Anna ( 5/5 ) Zertifiziert

The best falafel sandiwch and kebab in town ! Prices are really correct and staff is really friendly
Just be careful credit card are not accepted under 8€

16-05-2016 | philippe ( 1/5 ) Zertifiziert

The worst place i ever eaten in.
Very rude and agressive person.

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