Tris de ravioli gratines Gratiné raviolis sorting |
21.90 € |
Tris de pâtes gratinées Gratiné pasta sorting |
19.90 € |
Tris de pâtes aux trois sauces Pasta with three sauces |
18.90 € |
Lasagne maison Home made lasagna |
17.90 € |
Lasagne végétarienne Vegetarian lasagna |
18.50 € |
Canelloni de viande Cannelloni stuffed with meat |
16.90 € |
Canelloni ricotta spinaci Cannelloni ricotta with spinach |
16.50 € |
Tortellini bolognese Bolognese |
15.90 € |
Tortellini Crème jambon Tortellini cream ham |
15.90 € |
Tortellini au gratin (tomate, crème, jambon, champignons, mozzarella) Tortellini baked with cheese (tomatoes, cream, ham, mushroom, mozzarella) |
16.50 € |
Tortellini aux 4 Fromages Tortellini with four cheeses |
16.50 € |
Tortellini Rossini (foie gras, crème, champagne) Foie gras, cream, champagne |
19.90 € |
Ravioli ricotta e spinaci Ravioli ricotta and spinach |
17.10 € |
Ravioli bolognese |
15.90 € |
Ravioli crustacés sauce homardine |
20.10 € |
Ravioli maison (Crème, tomate, champignons, jambon, petits pois) Home Made Ravioli (Cream, tomatoes, mushroom, ham, peas) |
17.90 € |
Ravioli saumon frais Fresh salmon ravioli |
18.90 € |
Spaghetti Diavoleto |
18.90 € |
Spaghetti Bolognese |
15.50 € |
Spaghetti Aglio, olio peperoncini, basilic Bolognese ou Aglio, olio peperoncini, basilic |
13.50 € |
Spaghetti carbonara |
13.90 € |
Spaghetti aux fruits de mer Seafood spaghetti |
22.90 € |
Spaghetti aux scampis Spaghetti with prawns |
20.90 € |
Spaghetti aux gambas Spaghetti with gambas |
24.50 € |
Spaghetti la Delizia (1/2 homard, gambas, scampis, fruits de mer) (1/2 Lobster, gambas, scampi, seafood) |
32.50 € |
Penne bolognese Bolognese ou All'Arabbiata |
15.90 € |
Penne all'arrabiata |
15.80 € |
Penne aux 4 Fromages Penne with four cheeses |
15.90 € |
Penne crème jambon Penne ham cream |
14.90 € |
Penne au gratin (Jambon, champignons, mozzarella) Penne gratin: ham, mushroom, mozzarella) |
17.50 € |
Penne Carla (Basilic, tomate, ail, origan) Basil, tomtoes, garlic, oregano) |
15.90 € |
Penne au pesto |
15.90 € |
Tagliatelle saumon frais Tagliatelle fresh salmon |
18.50 € |
Tagliatelle végétarienne Vegetarian tagliatelle |
15.90 € |
Gnocchi bolognese |
15.50 € |
Gnocchi aux 4 fromages Gnocchi with four cheeses |
16.80 € |
Gnocchi au gratin |
16.50 € |
Gnocchi Pavarotti (Tomates fraiches, rucola, scaglie parmigian) Fresh tomatoes, rocket salad, parmesan flakes |
16.90 € |
Risotto aux fruits de mer Seafood risotto |
23.90 € |
Risotto aux gambas Risotto with gambas |
24.50 € |
Risotto aux scampis Risotto with prawns |
21.90 € |
Risotto aux 4 fromages Risotto with four cheeses |
15.90 € |
Risotto aux champignons des bois Risotto with wild mushroom |
18.90 € |
Escalope milanaise, spaghetti Napoli Battered milanese escalope (with spaghetti napoli) |
18.50 € |
Escalope viennoise, légumes, frites Viennese escalope (vegetables, fries) |
18.90 € |
Escalope crème champignons Escalope with mushroom sauce |
19.80 € |
Saltimbocca alla romana sur un lit de tagliatelle (Escalope de porc avec jambon et sauge) Escalope with ham and sage, with on bed of tagliatelli) |
19.80 € |
Escalope de veau grillé Grilled veal escalope |
27.90 € |
Cordon bleu nature crème champignons Cordon bleu with mushroom sauce |
20.80 € |
Cordon bleu nature crème gorgonzola Cordon bleu with gorgonzola sauce |
20.80 € |
Entrecôte du terroir grillée Roasted steak |
29.50 € |
Entrecôte du terroir au gorgonzola Steak with Gorgonzola sauce |
29.90 € |
Entrecôte du terroir aux trois poivres Steak with three pepper sauce |
29.50 € |
Entrecôte du terroir Tzigane (ail, tomate, poivron, pili pili) Steak with tzigane sauce (garlic, tomatoes, pepper, pili-pili) |
29.50 € |
Entrecôte du terroir aux champignons des bois Steak with wild mushroom |
29.90 € |
Côte à l'os (grillée, proverole, poivre vert, oignons) roasted, proverole, green peppercorn, onion) |
33.90 € |
Tagliata de filet (Légumes grillés, rucola, écaille de parmesan) Tagliata nut meat (vegetables, roasted, rucola, scales of parmesan) |
29.90 € |
Filet de boeuf grillé Grilled beef |
27.90 € |
Filet de boeuf aux 3 poivres Beef with three pepper sauce |
29.90 € |
Filet de boeuf provençale Beef provençale |
29.80 € |
Filet de boeuf aux champignons Beef with mushrooms |
29.80 € |
Filet de boeuf aux champignons des bois Beef with wild mushrooms |
31.00 € |
Filet de boeuf Rossini (sauce au foie gras) Beef Rossini (foie gras sauce) |
32.50 € |
Faux filet de cheval sauce aux poivres Horse filet with pepper sauce |
29.90 € |
Faux filet de cheval à l'ail Horse filet with barlic |
29.90 € |
Faux filet de cheval au poivre Horse filet with pepper |
29.90 € |
Faux filet de cheval sauce provençale Horse filet with provencale sauce |
29.90 € |
Grillade mixte de viandes Mixed meat barbecue |
29.90 € |
Cotes d'agneau grillées (Aux herbes ou à l'ail sauce porto) Grilled lamb ribs with herbs or garlic sauce porto |
27.90 € |
Bouchée à la reine |
18.50 € |
Osso buco milanese |
23.70 € |
Margherita (tomates, mozzarella) Margherita (tomatoes, mozzarella) |
11.90 € |
Napoli (Tomates, mozzarella, anchois, câpres) Napoli (tomatoes, mozzarella, anchovies, capers) |
12.10 € |
Romana (Tomates, mozzarella, câpres, olives) Romana (tomatoes, mozzarella, capers, olive) |
13.10 € |
Zingara (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, salami) Zingara (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham salami) |
13.20 € |
Funghi (Tomates, mozzarella, champignons) Funghi (tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms) |
12.90 € |
Prosciutto (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon) Prosciutto (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham) |
12.90 € |
Prosciutto E funghi (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, champignons) Prosciutto e funghi (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms) |
12.90 € |
Capricciosa (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, champignons, artichauts) Capricciosa (omatoes, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms, artichoke) |
13.90 € |
Quattro stagioni (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, champignons, artichauts, olives) Quattro Stagioni (tomatoes, ham, mushrooms, artichoke, olive) |
14.80 € |
Diavola (Tomates, mozzarella, salami piquant) Diavola (tomatoes, mozzarella, spicy salami) |
14.50 € |
Salami milano (Tomates, mozzarella, salami doux) Salami Milano (tomatoes, mozzarella, sweet salami) |
13.60 € |
Quattro fromaggi (Quatre fromages) Quattro formaggi (Four cheese) |
14.50 € |
Tonno e cipolla (Tomate, mozzarella, thon, oignons) Tonno e Cipolla (Tomatoes, mozzarella, tuna, onions) |
14.60 € |
Calzone (Tomate, mozzarella, jambon, champignons) Calzone (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms) |
13.90 € |
Calzone piccante (tomates, mozzarella, salami piquant, anchois, câpres) Calzone piccante (tomatoes, mozzarella, spicy salami, anchovies, capers) |
14.10 € |
Vagabondo (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, gorgonzola, spaghetti bolognese) Vagabondo (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, gorgonzola, spaghetti bolognese) |
15.80 € |
Pescatora (Tomates, mozzarella, fruits de mer, ail) Pescatora (tomatoes, mozzarella, seafood, garlic) |
17.20 € |
Mare e monti (Tomates, mozzarella, fruits de mer, ail, champignons frais) Mare e Monti (tomatoes, mozzarella, seafood, garlic, fresh mushrooms) |
17.20 € |
Aux Scampis (Tomates, mozzarella, scampis, ail, persil) With scampi (tomatoes, mozzarella, scampis, garlic, parsley) |
17.10 € |
Vegetariana (Tomates, mozzarella, épinards, champignons, aubergines, courgettes, ail) Vegetariana (tomatoes, mozzarella, spinach, mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, garlic) |
15.50 € |
Maison (Tomates, mozzarella, salami piquant, poivron, oeuf) Homemade (tomatoes, mozzarella, spicy salami, pepper, egg) |
14.90 € |
Esotica (Tomates, mozzarella, ananas, kiwi, jambon, salami) Esotica (tomatoes, mozzarella, pineapple, kiwi, ham, salami) |
14.50 € |
Façon patron (Tomates, mozzarella, salami piquant, artichaut, poivron, oeuf, olives) Boss Way (tomatoes, mozzarella, spicy salami, artichokes, pepper, olives, egg) |
15.30 € |
Alla rucola scaglie di parmigiano With rocket parmesan flakes |
14.10 € |
La Delizia (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, champignons, parmesan) La Delizia (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms, parmesan) |
14.50 € |
Alla zucchine (Tomates, mozzarella, courgette, ail, persil) With Zucchini (tomatoes, mozzarella, zucchini, garlic, parsley) |
13.80 € |
Alla parmigiana (Tomates, mozzarella, aubergines, ail, parmesan) With parmesan (tomatoes, mozzarella, eggplant, garlic, parmesan) |
14.30 € |
Caprese (Tomates fraiches, mozzarella, basilic, rucola) Caprese (fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basilica, rucola) |
14.10 € |
Paysanne (Mozzarella, oignons, champignons, lardons, crème) Paysanne: mozzarella, onions, mushrooms, bacon, cream) |
14.30 € |
Speciale (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, champignons frais, oeuf, ail) Special (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, fresh mushrooms, egg, garlic) |
14.20 € |
Royale (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon de parme, rucola, parmesan) Royale (tomatoes, mozzarella, parma ham, rucola, parmesan) |
17.10 € |
Saumon fumé (Tomates, mozzarella, saumon fumé, oignons, câpres) Smoked salmon (tomatoes, mozzarella, smoked salmon, onions, capers) |
15.90 € |
Chèvre (Mozzarella, fromage de chèvre, lardons) Goat (mozzarella, goat cheese, bacon) |
14.50 € |
Hawai (Tomates, mozzarella, jambon, ananas) Hawai (tomatoes, mozzarella, ham, pineapple) |
13.90 € |
Bacalhau Codfish |
14.90 € |
Poulet (Tomates, mozzarella, blanc de poulet grillé, oignons rouges, poivrons) Chicken (tomatoes, mozzarella, grilled chicken breasts, red onions, peppers) |
13.90 € |
Mozzarella bufala (Tomates, mozzarella, bufala, tomates cerise,rucola) |
16.90 € |
Al Pesto (tomates, mozzarella, jambon, salami piquant, spaghetti al pesto) |
14.90 € |
Del Golfo (Mozzarella, scampis, pesto, tomates cerises) (Mozzarella, scampi, pesto, cherry tomatoes) |
15.90 € |
Saucisse (Tomates, mozzarella, saucisse, oignons, poivrons) (Tomatoes, mozzarella, sausage, onions, peppers) |
15.50 € |
30-12-2024 | Mike ( 4/5 ) Zertifizéiert
Excellent service