Oscars Bar 4Play

9 Bisserweg

L-1238 Luxembourg

Spécialités : Internationale, Snack, Hamburgers, Plats à emporter, à emporter

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Contactez le restaurant Oscars Bar 4Play | Luxembourg
Carte du restaurant Oscars Bar 4Play | Luxembourg
Horaires et informations du restaurant Oscars Bar 4Play | Luxembourg


Oscar’s Bar in Luxembourg’s Grund is truly a jewel in the river valley’s crown

Although it seems this remarkable little establishment was originally named after Oscar Wilde, we now have pictures of other Oscars adorning the walls, Peterson and a certain muppet to name but two.

This aside, this genial bar and restaurant, hiding on Bisserweg in Grund, Luxembourg’s river valley quarter, is an unassuming but completely relaxing watering hole. In fact, I can honestly say that some of my best times in the city were spent here.

Offering a simple but delicious menu, the star attraction has to be the stupendous burgers, served as nature intended, or with bacon, cheese, egg, guacamole or blue cheese, for a small supplement.

A pleasing range of wines, beers, spirits and cocktails provide an ample choice of liquid refreshment and, in particular, the draught Battin can be recommended.

A perfect afternoon into evening can easily be spent in Grund, but in our opinion, it would have to be at Oscar’s.

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La carte

Other Main Dishes

The Sirloin steak (Faux-Filet): ~200 g, served to order, with herb butter and fries or potato wedges. 15.60 €

The New York Melt : Sirloin steak with melted cheddar, jalapeños, and roast red onions, in a crusty baguette. 9.90 €

The Fishcakes : Salmon, coriander, and lemongrass fishcakes, served with a tomato salsa and side salad. 9.80 €

The Wraps : minced beef - plain or chilli; chicken Ceasar; sesame chicken or greek vegetable. 9.90 €

The Bruschettas : Tuna, lime and pepper; blue cheese and mushroom or tomato and basil pepper. Why not try a mixed sharing platter?! 8.80 €


Oscars delicious home-made burgers come in our exclusive Oscar's bread buns

Oscar's Classic Burger
Our 100% Beef chargrilled burgers are home-made ~200 g patties served in toasty crusted buns with home-made relish and fries. We highly recommend the classic with creamed blue cheese and roast red onion.
12.80 €

Chilli Burger
Like the Classic, but with added fresh chilli, fresh coriander and cumin. Oscar's choice!
13.20 €

Chicken burger
Succulent whole chargrilled chicken breast, marinated in Oscar's blend of Cajun spice, served with home made relish and fries. Recommended with cheese and guacamole topping.
12.80 €

Veggie burger
Homemade from roast mixed veg, with a hint of chilli. Served with homemade relish and fries.
10.80 €

Double Whammy
Really hungry? Double up any burger (2 x 200g) for a small extra coin.
4.50 €

Burger Tops : To complete the burger add your selection of tops
*Choice for +0.90€ (cheese / egg / roast red onion / jalapenos) / Choice for +1.20€ (bacon / creamed blue cheese / guacamole) / New In : Barbecue relish with Jägermeister +0.70€


Hot Caesar : The classic Caesar salad with grilled chicken breast 11.20 €

Tuna Salad : Tuna, lime and pepper on a bed of mixed leaves. 11.20 €

Roast Veg: Roast mixed veg and feta on a bed of mixed leaves. 10.80 €

Only for the Kids

A choice of: Sausage, Chicken Nuggets, or Fish Fingers & fries
Supplement of beans : 1.20€
6.20 €

Side orders

Onion rings 3.20 €

Extra fries or veggies- Regular: 3.00€ / Large: 4.50€

Mixed salad: Genuinely refreshing. 3.20 €

Coleslaw 2.20 €


Dame Blanche 5.80 €

Homemade Cheesecake 5.20 €

Homemade Apple Pie 5.20 €

Ice cream : Choose three balls. 4.50 €


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